Blockchain for SMBs

The world’s economy is changing especially for SMBs. The small businesses that step out and help lead the flow of innovation will be able to save money and build a reputation in the new, trusted, digital world. Blockchain, together with smart contracts and digital currencies will make the trade and governmental processes more efficient, faster, efficient, and scalable. And the economy will continue its path towards decentralization as more and more small players, supported by the digital technologies, join the market.


Sessions 1 - 3: What is blockchain, the Third Web and cryptocurrency and why do they matter?

Session 4 - 7: How and where is blockchain and decentralized ledger technology being used?

Session 8 - 10: Intro to the variety of blockchain development environments and then delve in Ethereum. This is a hands-on session where each attendee uses a computer in the lab to go through the full experience.

Event Information

Event Date 11/29/2021 10:00 am
Event End Date 11/29/2021 11:00 am
Registration Start Date 11/09/2021 8:00 am
Capacity 25
Cut off date 11/19/2021 1:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Created By Tim Rutherford
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